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  • Eat & Drink
  • Southern Area

Sano Ramen Noodles

The city of ramen noodles, the classic dish for everyone!

Home to one of Japan’s most famous local ramen noodles, Sano-city is in the south of Tochigi. Sano Ramen is made with water of the finest quality listed in the 100 best spring waters in Japan, and wheat especially suited for noodle-making. Beaten by a green bamboo stems, these noodles are aerated for good thermal conductivity. As a result, they are cooked in a second and maintain a chewy but smooth texture. The clear broth, having a taste of soy sauce and a rich flavour, is distinctive and never boring for its simplicity. Sano Ramen has admirers of all ages.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address Sano-city, Tochigi
Telephone Number 0283-27-3011
Website http://www.sano-kankokk.jp/
Business Hours depend on restaurants

Southern Area

This area boasts evocative historical buildings and townscapes, such as the Ashikaga School, known for being the oldest school in Japan, and Kura no Machi, a district where buildings from the mid-19th century, a time when the area prospered as a commercial district, still stand. At Ashikaga Flower Park, you can see 350 blooming wisteria flowers, flowing downward from above, creating a world of enchantment.

Seasons in Tochigi