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Travel Info Licensed Guides

Allow us to introduce our licensed guides who have the knowledge and experience to show you around Tochigi and make your trip special!



Culture, History, Custom, Martial art, Religion

I am more than happy to take you to rich nature and to attractive tourism resources scattered in Tochigi prefecture. I will prepare for the tour to satisfy your requests and provide you with the memorable tour. Despite 19 year long stay abroad, I remain charmed by Japanese thing, such as culture, custom, sprit, martial art etc. I am glad if I can be of help understand Japan as well as Tochigi more through my guide.


Tour Guide-Interpreter

Born and grew up in Tochigi.
I’m a typical Japanese woman loving beauty of nature, Japanese culture and travel.
I will arrange the various sightseeing spots based on your requests.
Let’s discover the charms and wonders of Tochigi, including Nikko and Utsunomiya!


Tour Guide-Interpreter

I will guide you around the Nikko area and the Nasu highland area. A characteristic of Nikko is the harmony of nature and a collection of historical architectural works which are designated as a World Cultural Heritage Site. The Nasu highland area, where the Imperial family has a villa, is a popular resort surrounded by a refreshing environment of rich nature. It offers different kinds of therapeutic hot spring baths which have cured people for 1300 years. I would imagine you want to try the local cuisine of the area you visit, don’t you? I can provide such information and if you would enjoy learning how Japanese dishes are made, I would love to show you how to make such Japanese favorites as sushi, Japanese vegetarian food, Japanese sweets, and any requests you might have. Guests spending a day or two with me find their stay in Japan greatly enhanced. We journey on an immersive-yet-relaxing time slip, returning you with a rewarding experience and lasting memory.


Region-Specific Tour Guide-Interpreter

I would like to guide you in Tochigi Prefecture where you can encounter nature and rich history. I respond to customer’s requests while making travel arrangements all over Tochigi. I also would like to help make your travel arrangements to create a satisfying experience. Let’s enjoy walking, seeing, feeling and discovering TOCHIGI.


Tour Guide-Interpreter

I want to bring to you visitors all the wonderful aspects of Japan in the capacity of a well-qualified guide who has had many years of experience in the field of international affairs.


Tour Guide-Interpreter

I help you plan your trip with hearty hospitality. Take a license-guided tour. I'm sure you'll understand the beauty of Japan.


Tour Guide-Interpreter

Guide for sightseeing tour, interpretation for business inspection, conference, somultanious interpreting etc.

Hitoshi Imagawa

  • English
  • French


Tour Guide-Interpreter

Towards the end of the 19th century, European travellers began to come and explore the then newly opened Japan. Among them were Isabella Bird and Pierre Loti, each of whom paid a visit to Nikko. At this site, they witnessed the breathtaking scene of fusion of nature, historical monuments and life of indigenous population. Isabella Bird found in it the Japanese beauty and Pierre Loti the awe-inspiring spirituality, as expressed in their respective travelogues. Now today, in the 21st century, as a licensed guide-interpreter registered in Tochigi prefecture proudly having this World Heritage Site, I am delighted to be in a position to welcome and guide you around our tourist spots. With a good command of English and of French, as well as in a coherent and enjoyable manner, I always do my best to provide you with full information on the tradition and/or cutting edge of Japanese culture in almost every category of your interest. Vers la fin du XIXe siècle, de nombreux voyageurs européens se sont aventurés à la découverte du Japon qui venait de s'ouvrir au monde occidental. Parmi eux figuraient notamment Isabella Bird et Pierre Loti, chacun desquels a bien pris un itinéraire à destination de Nikko. Ebahis par cette merveille des merveilles nipponnes, ces explorateurs ont décrit respectivement dans leur reportage la beauté de toute une harmonie entre la grande nature et les monuments historiques de Nikko. Et aujourd'hui, au début du XXIe siècle, en tant que guide-interprète officiellement inscrit au département de Tochigi dont ce patrimoine mondial fait partie, je suis très heureux de pouvoir vous accueillir en vous accompagnant lors de votre circuit touristique. Possédant bien deux langues étrangères (français et anglais), je m’efforce toujours de vous faire partager toutes mes connaissances sur presque tous les domaines de vos goûts, allant de la tradition à la pointe de la mode.


Tour Guide-Interpreter

안녕하십니까? 오츠카 타다쿠라라고 합니다. 현재 서울에서 일본어를 가르칩니다.
1년에 4개월 정도는 일본에 있으니 여행 안내가 필요하신 분이 계시면 연락을 기다리겠습니다.
보다 정확한 정보를 여행자 여러분들께 전해 드리며 도치기에 찾아오실 때 즐거운 추억이 되도록 노력하겠습니다.

Kaori Watanabe

  • English
  • Chinese


Tour Guide-Interpreter

I am a guide full of hospitality with copious knowledge about Nikko. I will clearly and wholeheartedly show you the history, nature, and culture of Nikko, by flexibly meeting your detailed requests with the motto of "cheerful and sincere". I have a caregiver qualification and I am very happy to help people with physical disabilities travel in Japan.
