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  • Eat & Drink
  • Stay & Relax
  • Southern Area

Tochigi-Edo Cuisine Lunch @Kanahan Inn

  • Food & Drink

Enjoy an Edo-era experience in the streets of “Little-Edo” (Ko-Edo) and taste Tochigi’s Edo cuisine

“Tochigi’s Edo cuisine” comprises original dishes inspired by local dishes and Edo-era recreations based on manuscripts from the Samurai era. Unique innovations elevate the flavors of each ingredient to surprise and delight the modern palate.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address Tochigi Prefecture, Tochigi city, Yorozucho 5-2
Telephone Number 0282-22-0108
Website https://www.kanahan-ryokan.jp/
Business Hours 11:30 – 14:00
Days Closed for Business Monday, first Tuesday (or the following day in the case of a public holiday)
New Years holidays
DIRECTIONS 15-min walk from JR Tobu-Tochigi Station

Southern Area

This area boasts evocative historical buildings and townscapes, such as the Ashikaga School, known for being the oldest school in Japan, and Kura no Machi, a district where buildings from the mid-19th century, a time when the area prospered as a commercial district, still stand. At Ashikaga Flower Park, you can see 350 blooming wisteria flowers, flowing downward from above, creating a world of enchantment.

Seasons in Tochigi