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  • See & Do
  • Southern Area

Karasawayama Shrine

This shrine in Sano City, Tochigi Prefecture was founded in 1883 and enshrines Fujiwara-no-Hidesato. Built over the remains of Hidesato's castle, the area is a natural fortress surrounded by cliffs and valleys covered in Japanese Red Pine trees and some of the castle ruins still remain. En route to the main hall you'll pass the Sakura Horse Grounds in which numerous sakura cherry trees are planted.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address 1409,Fuji-cho,Sano-shi,Tochigi
Telephone Number 0283-24-1138
Website http://karasawayama.com/
Map Code 64 672 074*06

Southern Area

This area boasts evocative historical buildings and townscapes, such as the Ashikaga School, known for being the oldest school in Japan, and Kura no Machi, a district where buildings from the mid-19th century, a time when the area prospered as a commercial district, still stand. At Ashikaga Flower Park, you can see 350 blooming wisteria flowers, flowing downward from above, creating a world of enchantment.

Seasons in Tochigi