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  • See & Do
  • Southern Area

The site of Ashikaga School

  • History
  • Culture

A National Historic Site known as the oldest academic institution in Japan

It is said that over 3,000 students studied at the school during the disturbances of the 10-year civil war (Onin War) starting in the 15th century.

When the Catholic missionary Francis Xavier came to the country in 1549, he described it as “Japan’s largest and most famous school” in his correspondence. Ashikaga thus became widely known overseas as well.

Today buildings have been restored,and visitors can view classrooms in their original historic form and join a program reading The Analects of Confucius on Sundays.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address 2338 Shohei-cho, Ashikaga-city, Tochigi
Telephone Number 0284-41-2655
Website http://www.city.ashikaga.tochigi.jp/site/ashikagagakko/
Business Hours 09:00-16:30 (April to September)09:00-16:00 (October to March)
Days Closed for Business the third Mondays (except Bank Holidays, in which case closed the next working day), December29 to December 31
Price Adult 420yen, Student (over-16s) 210yen, Child (under-15s) Free
Date a program “Reading The Analects of Confucius aloud” held on Sundays (April to July, September to November)“Sekiten” the school’s traditional festival held in November
Map Code 34 594 864*56

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Southern Area

This area boasts evocative historical buildings and townscapes, such as the Ashikaga School, known for being the oldest school in Japan, and Kura no Machi, a district where buildings from the mid-19th century, a time when the area prospered as a commercial district, still stand. At Ashikaga Flower Park, you can see 350 blooming wisteria flowers, flowing downward from above, creating a world of enchantment.

Seasons in Tochigi