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  • Eat & Drink
  • Eastern Area

Mashiko Café Stroll

  • Culture
  • Food & Drink
  • Shopping

Discover Mashiko's stylish cafés.

Mashiko is dotted with a number of relaxing cafés serving treats and drinks in Mashiko-ware. Many of these cafés are off the beaten path, so they often go unnoticed by those who haven’t done their research.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address Within Mashiko City
Website http://www.mashiko-kankou.org/pamphlet/image/pdf/j/cafe_j202307.pdf
DIRECTIONS Within Mashiko City

Eastern Area

The eastern area is famous for its abundant flowers and traditional Mashiko pottery. Seasonal charms welcome tourists throughout the year with flowers such as cherry blossoms and wisterias in spring and some of the nation’s most beautiful autumn foliage.

Seasons in Tochigi