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  • See & Do
  • Nikko Area

Taiyuin Temple

Feel the atmosphere of Tokugawa Shogunate at the world heritage site!

Taiyuin is the mausoleum of Tokugawa Iemitsu, grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate. To honor his grandfather, Iemitsu renovated Toshogu Shrine, the mausoleum of Ieyasu, and had Taiyuin constructed to face Toshogu. Out of respect to Ieyasu, Taiyuin is more modest than Toshogu, yet still magnificent. Taiyuin includes 22 registered National Treasures, and the lavishly decorated prayer hall. Nitenmon Gate and Kokamon Gate exhibit exquisite craftsmanship.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address 2300 Sannai, Nikko, Tochigi
Telephone Number 0288-54-0531
Website https://www.visitnikko.jp/en/spots/taiyuin-temple/
Business Hours April~October: 08:00-17:00, November~March: 08:00-16:00 (last entry is 30 minutes before closing)
Price (Taiyuin only)Adult 550 yen, Child (elementary and junior high) 250 yen (Taiyuin and Sanbutsudo)Adult 900 yen, Child (elementary and junior high) 400 yen
Map Code 367 311 565*31

Nikko Area

The Nikko area, in the northwestern part of the prefecture, is particularly mountainous. In the midst of the rich nature, including the 2,486-meter-high volcano Mt. Nantai, Lake Chuzenji, and Kegon Falls, there are numerous shrines and temples that are registered as UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites. From Kinugawa Onsen to Kawaji Onsen, hot springs can also be found throughout the area. There are a wide range of outdoor activities to enjoy as well, such as stand-up paddleboarding in the summer and snowshoeing in the winter.

Seasons in Tochigi