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  • See & Do
  • Nikko Area

Nikko Kirifuri Highland Ozasa Farm

This dairy farm, located inside Nikko National Park at an altitude of1,030 to 1,300 meters, Ozasa Farm offers a great view of the Kanto Plain. Animals and people living in the farm enjoy quiet, tranquil surroundings amidst great natural beauty. Visitors can not only interact with horses, goats and sheep, but also try to make ice cream and butter at their workshops.
Other activities include horse riding and camping facilities at a nearby site.

Location Map

Basic Information

Address 3405, Seno, Nikko-shi, Tochigi
Telephone Number 0288-97-1116
Website https://www.visitnikko.jp/en/spots/ozasa-farm/
Business Hours 08:45~16:45,winter: 09:30~16:00
Days Closed for Business Wednesdays and Thursdays from January 4th to the end of February
Price Free
Map Code 367 614 433*21

Nikko Area

The Nikko area, in the northwestern part of the prefecture, is particularly mountainous. In the midst of the rich nature, including the 2,486-meter-high volcano Mt. Nantai, Lake Chuzenji, and Kegon Falls, there are numerous shrines and temples that are registered as UNESCO Cultural Heritage sites. From Kinugawa Onsen to Kawaji Onsen, hot springs can also be found throughout the area. There are a wide range of outdoor activities to enjoy as well, such as stand-up paddleboarding in the summer and snowshoeing in the winter.

Seasons in Tochigi